Community Building: 1605 Graham Avenue Windber, Pa 15963
Recreation Park and Pool: 160 Recreation Road Windber, Pa 15963
Director's Office: 1605 Graham Avenue Windber, Pa 15963
 CB: 814-467-6696 
Pool: 814-509-6624
Windber Municipal Authority
Windber Community Building - Windber Recreation Park - Windber Rec Pool & SplashPad
Windber Rec Summer Day Camp - Windber CB Fitness Program - Windber Wings-N-Waves
Circle of Friends Presents:

Every Sunday Night (Closed January-February)

Doors Open at 5:00pm

Early Birds Start at 6:15pm

Come join the Circle of Friends and play BINGO!

Who are Circle of Friends? 

Circle of Friends is a group that help contribute to our community. The men and women of this group give to the community in many ways:
  • -Renovations to the Windber Community Building
  • -10 Scholarships to attend the Windber Day Camp for a week
  • -7 Free Pool Memberships one person in each grade 6-12th
  • -Paid for the rent of various fundraisers that use the Community Building.
  •  Circle of Friends can be contacted through the Community Building